Every change that Education Department appears to be for the worse. For example, before ESO and Batxillerat in Spain there were two different ways to study:- BUP and COU. They were more efficient than now, and students studied, didn't waste their time doing other things in class. The level education was better and higher, and Spain had got, in general, good students who were very prepared. But as time has passed, educational reforms have got worse, and they only create people who aren't motivated to study. This is because these reforms are creating passive students, and people who believe that to study and to be knowledgeable are boring, and people don´t appreciate that to learn things, and to know them, is something fascinating.
I think that in our country investments in education aren’t good or productive. Money is wasted on improving buildings, not on improving the learning material and methods. I think that if there were good students, with a higher level of education, this country would be able to improve in many ways. This country needs to look at how to improve the level of education in Spain. The students of today are our future.
I agree when you say “Every change that the Education Department makes appears to be for the worst”, because before these changes the students were more prepared. Moreover these changes have put Spain at the bottom of European Education. I also think that the government should invest more money in this department.