domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


Stress is a term in psychology and biology that refers to the consequence of the failure of an organism (human or animal) to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined.

Stress symptoms are commonly a feeling of alarm, adrenaline is produced in high quantities, exhaustion, irritability, muscular tensions and inability to concentrate. This last one I consider very dangerous for a student. For example now, I have a lot of exams, a research project, an oral presentation, and a lot of homework; so I'm really stressed, but I know that I mustn’t get stressed, because what I really want is to study and do all my work, and stress will only hamper it to me. 

There are some techniques of stress management, I think they can be helpful, and stressed people have to practice them if they want to improve their stress management. A person could try yoga, meditation, stress balls, relaxing music and deep breathing. Organising your time better is also a method to avoid stress. So I should try them!

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