domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011


My best writing in my opinion is the free writing: the frog and the princess. I think it's the best composition I have done because I used new words that I learnt searching in the dictionary and searching on the web page In this composition I was so inspired and I wrote, with my imagination, a love story between a prince and a frog, which is a princess.

My best oral presentation I think it was the last one. I speak about humor videos on youtube. In my opinion it was so fantastic to do this presentation, because I wasn't nervous and I had fun doing it. Also it was nice to work with Claudia, because in this way I could learn and share new interesting things with her that  were so useful. I have liked a lot working with her. The oral presentation was so long and it's too difficult to upload on the blog.

In the two works (the oral presentation and the free composition) I think that the vocabulary is new and richer than other's, the work I've done is more complete and more correct, but the most important is that I have enjoyed  them and I really wanted to do it so well. When I did them I didn't get bored. I love to do work when I enjoy it!

The future

I hope in my future I get to learn English almost perfectly. I would like to study English philology and to achieve it (to improve my English) I will probably go on my studies for 6 months or more out of Spain, in a country where English is spoken continuously. I would like to go to
Ireland, Sweden or Canada, but also I would like to go to England or USA. I will go as an Au Pair, but now I haven’t found a family yet. I'm searching until I find someone who wants me to be in their house to do domestic tasks, to take care of sons and daughters, etc. I hope I can go as soon as possible! My wish is to learn English so well and to go back here with a higher level of this language.

As far as I learned in Castelló, I think that I have improve and developed a lot since 1st of Batxillerat, but I still have much! 


When I started 1st of Batxillerat I realized that I must improve my English if I wanted to get a good mark in English. So I decided to work hard to achieve this. We can see comparing my first writing and my first oral presentation in Batxillerat and the last ones. For example, in my first composition, I didn't use any connectors, I always spoke in the present, because I didn't know the how to use verb tenses effectively or really understand them! It was normal because when I went to ESO I didn't learn so much, and the level of English in 4th of ESO is so easy, maybe too much. Also in my first composition I used simple vocabulary and I didn't use complicated words. It was because I had a low level of English and I never had done writings for a blog. And now: if we look my last composition, we can find more connectors, the structure is better than before and I've put an introduction, I didn't do it in my description of a friend (my first composition) and there are no paragraphs!

When I did my first oral presentation it was terrible for me (I was so nervous), but I had studied a lot all of the new words that I had to say. As we can see in my presentation it seems that I was relaxed, but I wasn't! I didn’t speak with fluency, and my voice was trembling. When I spoke it seemed that I didn't know what I was saying because there are some times that I speak like a robot. In my last oral presentation there were more new words that I had learnt during Batxillerat. I also make some mistakes when I talk but I correct them better.

To conclude, I want to say that there's a personal development too: for example, in my first writing or oral presentation, I wrote about personal topics as: my friend, my leisure... The vocabulary that I needed was easier than in the last writing or the last oral presentation, because in these last ones the topic was more scientific and interesting to society. I think that in all of the details that I improve we can see a little more mature writing, and I am so excited and satisfied for that; the work has been worth.




 Focused on  topic.
Use varied, relevant  resources: powerpoint, multimedia, real material,…
Agreed timing: 5-10 m
Mostly focused on topic. Use some resources.
Agreed timing
Sometimes focused and/with a few resources
Timing not as agreed
Not focused.
Poor or abusive use of resources.
Timing not as agreed
Body language & Eye Contact
Holds attention of entire audience with fluid movements and the use of direct eye contact. Little reading from notes.
Some movements and gestures. Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience.Sometimes reading.
Very little movement or gestures. Minimal eye contact with audience.  Often reading.
No movement or gestures.  No eye contact with audience.
Continuous reading from notes
Open and closing remarks that capture the attention of the audience and set the mood. Use of discourse markers
Student displays clear introductory or closing remarks. Some discourse markers
Student clearly uses either an introductory or closing remark, but not both.Little use of disco. markers
Student does not display clear introductory or closing remarks. No discourse markers.
Interesting, new, relevant and clear info to the audience with some detail and depth.       Ideas organized.
Some good information and some irrelevant, often interesting with a little depth. Ideas often organized
Information not always clear and sometimes a bit superficial. Ideas often disorganized.
Information not relevant, unclear and not interesting, with little detail. Ideas disorganized.
Rich vocabulary, with synonyms, phrasal verbs, expressions, idioms...
Correct and complex grammar use (Conditionals, passive, modals, perfect,continuous tenses) Varied use of sentence linkers
Varied vocabulary with some complex grammar and some sentence linkers and markers
Some vocabulary repeated. Basic grammar often (simple tenses, verb to have and be) and few linkers or markers.
Poor vocabulary, repetition of words, basic grammar only, with mistakes.
Litte or no use of linkers and makers.
Use of fluid speech and pronunciation. Maintains the interest of the audience.
Mostly Satisfactory use of pronunciation and voice.
Some monotone voice and some incorrect words pronounced.
Consistently uses a monotone voice and  often pronunciation is wrong.





 Focused on  topic.
Use varied, relevant  resources: powerpoint, multimedia, real material,…
Agreed timing: 5-10 m
Mostly focused on topic. Use some resources.
Agreed timing
Sometimes focused and/with a few resources
Timing not as agreed
Not focused.
Poor or abusive use of resources.
Timing not as agreed
Body language & Eye Contact
Holds attention of entire audience with fluid movements and the use of direct eye contact. Little reading from notes.
Some movements and gestures. Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience.Sometimes reading.
Very little movement or gestures. Minimal eye contact with audience.  Often reading.
No movement or gestures.  No eye contact with audience.
Continuous reading from notes
Open and closing remarks that capture the attention of the audience and set the mood. Use of discourse markers
Student displays clear introductory or closing remarks. Some discourse markers
Student clearly uses either an introductory or closing remark, but not both.Little use of disco. markers
Student does not display clear introductory or closing remarks. No discourse markers.
Interesting, new, relevant and clear info to the audience with some detail and depth.       Ideas organized.
Some good information and some irrelevant, often interesting with a little depth. Ideas often organized
Information not always clear and sometimes a bit superficial. Ideas often disorganized.
Information not relevant, unclear and not interesting, with little detail. Ideas disorganized.
Rich vocabulary, with synonyms, phrasal verbs, expressions, idioms...
Correct and complex grammar use (Conditionals, passive, modals, perfect,continuous tenses) Varied use of sentence linkers
Varied vocabulary with some complex grammar and some sentence linkers and markers
Some vocabulary repeated. Basic grammar often (simple tenses, verb to have and be) and few linkers or markers.
Poor vocabulary, repetition of words, basic grammar only, with mistakes.
Litte or no use of linkers and makers.
Use of fluid speech and pronunciation. Maintains the interest of the audience.
Mostly Satisfactory use of pronunciation and voice.
Some monotone voice and some incorrect words pronounced.
Consistently uses a monotone voice and  often pronunciation is wrong.


domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011






Taking a deep drag on his cigarette while resting on the steering wheel of his truck, he looks like a parody of a middle-aged lorry driver.
But the image covers up a much more disturbing truth: At just the tender age of two, Ardi Rizal's health has been so ruined by his 40-a-day habit that he now struggles to move by himself.
The four-stone Indonesia toddler is certainly far too unfit to run around with other children - and his condition is  set to rapidly deteriorate.



Hurricane Katrina had many social effects. Initially, many lives were lost, while many more were disrupted. Hurricane Katrina left hundreds of thousands without access to their homes or jobs, has separated people from relatives, and inflicted both physical and mental distress on those who suffered through the storm and its aftermath.
The government lacked sensitivity and humanitarian assistance to the majority of the population. This disaster caused many deaths, floods, failure of health care, shortage of drinking water, food, etc.. Slowly it has been returning to normality, but for a time the population has lived how they could, without technology. And everything built in that town was destroyed in a moment, and all the amenities and technology  were useless.

Nature destroyed everything. We realize that we depend on it, and we can not keep going at this pace at which we move, destroying it, if she does not want us to destroy usHurricane Katrina was one of the deadliest tropical cyclones, destructive and expensive to ever hit America in decades. United States went through a crisis, and also were busy with the war in Iraq, also was not accepted by the UN.



We haven't had any notice about Justin Timberlake until now, when he debuted his multi-platinum solo CD, "Justified". He has made new friends and he has done things like help Bill Gates unveil Microsoft and MTV's new joint digital music service and he's acting, lending his voice to the new Shrek 3 film.
He also stars in a film with Cameron Diaz, but he had to word harder if he wants to success of acting, too. Justin missed out on two film roles because he sounded like a 12 years old! He should take lessons from the manly George Clooney, said the article.

From: Today, Music, Karl Blackwell.


In Japan the Search and Rescue operations are continious; they are searching for people and saving them as fast as possible.And the nuclear reactors can be controlled because they have managed to stop the electricity blackout in this site (where reactors are situated) and the reactors temperature has been stablized to avoid more explosions. But in the last days there has been snowfall in Japan, so living conditions for the Japanese are really shoking. Imagine living in these conditions. Imagine you have lost your home, your family and all your possessions. You do not have food, clean water, clothes or even a toothbrush! How would you survive? Remember all the luxuries we have and that we take for granted. What would you miss the most? Remember last year when we had snow and for almost two days we had no electricity or water. We were all in panic because our mobiles and computers were not charged. No television! No heating! No light!


You cannot have missed the terrible events in Japan. On television, in the newspapers, and on the radio we hear and see about the earthquake and the following tsunami.
Earthquakes are the most common natural disaster in Japan. This country has continuous earthquake activity because of its position.
some weeks ago an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 occurred in the Pacific Ocean, close to the Japanese coast. This earthquake initiated a tsunami that swept across coastal regions of Eastern Japan.
A tsunami is another natural disaster, it’s a tidal wave. When a tsunami gets nearer the coast it starts to slow down and grow in height. Tsunamis occurred in Japan because it’s surrounded by water and because Japan has a lot of earthquakes which causes tsunamis.

- At the moment we don’t know how many people have died, but the officials and newspapers say at the moment they know about 18000 deaths approximately with a lot of missed people.
- Streets are destroyed; buildings and houses are floating on the water and people are completely confused.
- There are three nuclear reactors which have exploded because of the blackout, the temperature of these nuclear reactors couldn’t be controlled and they get warm. So the radioactivity affects to some people who lives there and nearer Japan. Children are more vulnerable to radioactivity.
- Also some aliments as milk or water have got iodine 131
- The Earth’s rotation has changed, because of the tectonic plate’s movement.
- Japan has moved 4 cm to the East.