My best writing in my opinion is the free writing: the frog and the princess. I think it's the best composition I have done because I used new words that I learnt searching in the dictionary and searching on the web page In this composition I was so inspired and I wrote, with my imagination, a love story between a prince and a frog, which is a princess.
My best oral presentation I think it was the last one. I speak about humor videos on youtube. In my opinion it was so fantastic to do this presentation, because I wasn't nervous and I had fun doing it. Also it was nice to work with Claudia, because in this way I could learn and share new interesting things with her that were so useful. I have liked a lot working with her. The oral presentation was so long and it's too difficult to upload on the blog.
In the two works (the oral presentation and the free composition) I think that the vocabulary is new and richer than other's, the work I've done is more complete and more correct, but the most important is that I have enjoyed them and I really wanted to do it so well. When I did them I didn't get bored. I love to do work when I enjoy it!
The future
I hope in my future I get to learn English almost perfectly. I would like to study English philology and to achieve it (to improve my English) I will probably go on my studies for 6 months or more out of Spain, in a country where English is spoken continuously. I would like to go to
As far as I learned in Castelló, I think that I have improve and developed a lot since 1st of Batxillerat, but I still have much!
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