domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011


In Japan the Search and Rescue operations are continious; they are searching for people and saving them as fast as possible.And the nuclear reactors can be controlled because they have managed to stop the electricity blackout in this site (where reactors are situated) and the reactors temperature has been stablized to avoid more explosions. But in the last days there has been snowfall in Japan, so living conditions for the Japanese are really shoking. Imagine living in these conditions. Imagine you have lost your home, your family and all your possessions. You do not have food, clean water, clothes or even a toothbrush! How would you survive? Remember all the luxuries we have and that we take for granted. What would you miss the most? Remember last year when we had snow and for almost two days we had no electricity or water. We were all in panic because our mobiles and computers were not charged. No television! No heating! No light!

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