domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011


Stefi Giménez
6, Botxí Street
Castelló d’Empúries,  Girona

Mr. John Ritch
33 the Glades
02586 K

Dear Mr. John Ritch,

I am a student from IES Castelló d’Empúries and I live in this village too. I am almost 18 years old and I want to give you my opinion and some ideas I have about Nuclear Power Plants.

First of all, I am completely agreed with you about the idea to check the nuclear power stations to prevent possible future accidents. But anyway I think you must shut down all nuclear power stations.

Although I can think that this thinking way is hypocrisy because this type of energy amasses wealth because everyone of are consuming continually from nuclear power. So if we do not find another way to generate energy, we do not shut down nuclear power stations and if we do not finish with nuclear power, shortly we will pay for it.

I think it is impossible to shut down nuclear stations while there were people who are enriching by them and while every day there were people who are living by energy from them.

Yours sincerely,

Stefi Giménez

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